Cluster Zone Information


Find Cluster Zones by Address

Modified, Removed & Newly Added Cluster Zones





The Governor has issued a new executive order that lays out plans to deal with “Cluster Zones”. Cluster zones are areas that see COVID infection rise to a level that the state deems dangerous. Instead of closing down entire regions for one zone having an issue, this action takes a targeted and tiered approach to control the spread allowing non-effected areas to remain open under the current restrictions.

In a nutshell, there are 3 classifications for zones should infection rates begin to rise, they are Yellow, Orange and Red, here is how it will affect you and your brewery:


• Non-essential gatherings shall be limited to 25 people (weddings, private parties, events etc)
• No party or group sizes that are seated shall be greater than 4 people




There are also new penalties for violations. There is now a $15,000 fine for promoting or organizing non-essential and mass gatherings. Fines for not wearing face coverings are now up to $1000. These new penalties apply throughout the state, not just in cluster zones, so stay vigilant with the safety protocols you have in place.


Cluster Zone Maps

Cluster Zone FAQ | Bond Schoeneck & King

Cluster Zone Summary | Bond Schoeneck & King

Governors Office 

Governor’s Announcement RE: Cluster Zones

Department of Health


Find Cluster Zones by Address

Use this link to find out where your brewery is located in a Covid-19 Cluster Zone by entering your address.

Cluster Zone Updates

UPDATED: 11/9/20 2:30PM

We will add counties that have had newly added cluster zones below. Use this link to find out if your brewery is located in a Cluster Zone.

Newly Added Zones

Focus Zones Without Modifications